

Dr. Pamela Rojas G., Family Physician PUC Seborrheic dermatitis is a papulo-squamous lesion that involves fat-rich areas on the scalp, face, and trunk. Its etiology has been associated with the presence of Malassezia Furfur, for which many treatments pursue its eradication (1). Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic condition that can appear from the month of life and is exacerbated at puberty and tends to improve after years (1, 2). It is aggravated by environmental and seasonal changes, local trauma and emotional stress (1). The prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis is 3-5% and mainly affects men (1, 3). Dandruff, however, which is the mildest manifestation in the picture, affects 15-20% of the population (1). Seborrheic dermatitis Symptoms Seborrheic dermatitis is an intermittent condition in which active periods of burning, scaling, and itching alternate with inactive phases of the disease (1). The most commonly affected areas are, in order of frequency; the scalp, face, (eyeb